China is the second-largest economy in the world with 1.4 billion inhabitants and a rapidly expanding middle class. This includes an increasing number of global travellers, outbound students and international investors. However, with cutthroat competition and an infinite number of partners, communication channels and market segments, it is easy to burn through your resources without achieving meaningful results.
We want to work with you to find the right target market, establish a presence there, create a winning business strategy and communicate your business effectively.
Waitan Market Entry Program
Step 1: Understanding the Market
Step 2: Entering the Market
Step 3: Managing the Market
Step 4: Growing the Market
1. Understanding the Market
Together with a wide network of China market experts, we create tailor-made China market analytics. To help you understand more about the opportunities and threats of the market, we provide
Industry-specific Market Research
Consumer Research
Competitor Analysis
Communications, sales and marketing strategies
Introductions to potential partners
2. Entering the Market
Whether you decide to outsource the whole business to a Chinese distributor or set up your own branch in the market, we can help you with
Business Registration and Set-Up
Sales and Marketing Action Plan
Brand Localization
Launching Planning
Chinese Content Creation
3. Managing the Market
To make sure your business operations continue to run smoothly and your company stays competitive in the fast changing China market, we can help you with
Daily Marketing Operations
Daily sales channel maintenance
Chinese Social Media Account Management
Partnership and Reseller Network Management